I've had a pretty active spring. I've done a 10k, my fourth Tour de Kota and three sprint triathlons since April. I think I'm breaking down a little bit. Good thing I'm going on vacation next week so I can heal and gain about 10 pounds.
The benefit of all this activity is that my weight is down to what it was many years ago. It's generally been the case that I get lighter after TdK and such and then start gaining back during the summer vacations. Thus is the natural cycle of life. I'd like to avoid that this time around. That probably means doing more running during the vacations, which is a tough thing to maintain.
But the big question is what to do next. There are some tris coming up but they're mostly in towns a bit of a drive away and I'm not a big enough enthusiast to spend the night in Watertown or Chamberlain just to do a tri. I'd rather go on the coffee and donut ride or the Something for Everyone ride.
There's a half-marathon in Sioux Falls in September. That seems like a decent goal but I have to see how it works with the golf trip schedule. So many social engagements... Training for the Half would be good though, as it would keep me engaged and really work that weight down.
I also have another bike project in mind. I'm probably going to tear down the Xtracycle and sell the free radical and then rebuild the old Boardwalk into a single speed or maybe internal three speed for tooling around on the train and such. I've got the Big Dummy now so I don't need the Xtra and it's unlikely that anybody would buy the entire unit.
Anyway, lots of things to think about.
Gone Up North with Bridge Club
5 weeks ago